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ILAC International College

ILAC International College ILAC International College

Vancouver Campus
688 West Hastings, 3rd Floor, Vancouver, BC
Toronto Campus
920 Yonge St, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON

設立 1997 年 生徒数 夏 200 名 冬 150 名 講師数 10 名
教室数 10 クラス 1クラス人数 平均 13 名 最大 17 名 日本人スタッフ
  日本 韓国 アジア アラブ 中南米 ヨーロッパ カナダ その他
夏季 35% 5% 5% 0% 5% 40% 0% 10%
冬季 35% 5% 5% 0% 5% 40% 0% 10%
学校設備 ・ラウンジ ・電子レンジ ・自販機 ・アクティビティ案内所 ・進学相談窓口
・PC (100台以上) ・Wi-Fi
コース ・School of Customer Service
・School of Business
・School of Health Care
・TESOL Programs
バンクーバー トロント ILAC Night School ILAC International College

Service Excellence / Business TESOL
カナダ最大の語学学校の併設専門学校 学生の 9 割以上はカナダ人
カナダ国内に 2 つのキャンパスがある (バンクーバー・トロント) 英語教師を目指すカナダ人と一緒に授業を受けられる
各プログラムの規定レベルに達すると受講が可能 TESOL は ILAC ESL レベル14 を修了していると受講が可能
Co-op (インターン) の付きのコースが選択可能 TESOL Certificate は 6 時間の授業見学がある
カナダの企業訪問がある TESOL Dipoloma は 20 時間の実習が必要
企業のゲストスピーカーが定期的に来る TESL Canada Certificate / Diploma 取得可能
学習期間中も週 20 時間の就労が可能 英語教師資格としてはかなり価値の高い資格


ILAC International College は、世界 70 ヶ国以上から留学生が集まり、国際色豊かで活気のある、カナダ有数の人気校です。バンクーバーとトロントにキャンパスを展開し、トロント校はダウンタウンの中心地に校舎を有する、バランスの取れた優良校です。カナダの人気語学学校 ILAC の併設専門学校である ILAC International College ではビジネス・ホスピタリティ (接客業) や英語教授法である TESOL コースを開講しています。

Service Excellence のプログラムは ILAC の ESL レベル 10、 Business プログラムはレベル 12、また、TESOL プログラムは ESL レベル 14 に達していることが受講条件の一つとして設けられています。

ILAC では 40 ヵ国以上の言語に対応した国籍別のカウンセラーが 90% 以上の生徒の母国語をカバーし、留学生活をサポートする体制が整っています。もちろん日本語を話すカウンセラーも常駐していますので、留学初心者の方でも安心して入学できます。

バンクーバー、トロント両キャンパスとも、校舎内はゆったりとした作りでおしゃれな雰囲気となっており、カフェテリア、ラウンジ、無料の Wi-Fi 環境、多数のパソコンを完備した PC ルームなど、世界各国から英語を学びに来る多数の学生を受け入れる設備も万全です。

ILAC International College は カナダで質の高い学習と就労経験を積むことができ、最も人気のあるバランスの取れた優良校で、英語学習+αで勉強したい方におすすめです。


ILAC International College では、Customer Service や TESOL など専門的な勉強ができます。専門知識を養い、カナダでの就労経験を積むことも可能なため、より充実した留学生活を送ることができます。

School of Customer Service - カスタマーサービススキルを身に付けるプログラム
Service Excellence Programs

ILAC International College の Service Excellence Program は、将来様々なフィールドで役立つカスタマーサービス (接客業) のスキルを学びながら、カナダのホスピタリティー業務に携わるための知識を身に付けるプログラムです。

Service Excellence for Business Diploma Program は The Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC) 認定の emerit の教材を使用し、あらゆる分野で必要な接客業のスキルを身に付けることができるプログラムです。


最後の 1 ヶ月で、仕上げの講義を受けてプログラム修了です。なお、約 6 ヶ月間のコース受講中も週 20 時間までアルバイトが可能ですし、ILAC のコース担当からインターンシップ先として認定された場合は、仕事先で引き続きインターンシップに取り組むこともできます。 

Service Excellence for Business Certificate - 26 週間 ( 24 週間クラス + 2 週間ファイナル・プロジェクト Co-op なし)
1 ターム (6 週間) Canadian Workplace Essentials Customer Service Skills
2 ターム (6 週間) Food and Beverage Service Event Planning
3 ターム (6 週間) Front Desk Services Sales Fundamentals
4 ターム (6 週間) Human Resources Fundamentals Leadrership
2 週間 Final Project

Service Essentials for Business Diploma with Co-op - 40 週間 (20 週間クラス + 20 週間 Co-op 実習)
1 ターム (6 週間) Canadian Workplace Essentials Customer Service Skills
2 ターム (6 週間) Food and Beverage Service Event Planning
3 ターム (6 週間) Front Desk Services Sales Fundamentals
4 ターム (6 週間) Final Project
20 週間 Work Experience

Service Excellence for Business Diploma with Co-op - 48 週間 (24 週間クラス + 24 週間 Co-op 実習)
1 ターム (6 週間) Canadian Workplace Essentials Customer Service Skills
2 ターム (6 週間) Food and Beverage Service Event Planning
3 ターム (6 週間) Front Desk Services Sales Fundamentals
4 ターム (6 週間) Human Resources Skills Leadership Skills
24 週間 Work Experience

Communication & Service Essentials Diploma - 30 週間 (30 週間クラス Co-op なし) /60 週間 (30 週間クラス + 30 週間 Co-op 実習)
1 ターム (6 週間) Language Fundamentals for Business English Skills Development
2 ターム (6 週間) Business Communications Skills Professional Presentation Skills
3 ターム (6 週間) Canadian Workplace Essentials Customer Service Skills
4 ターム (6 週間) Food and Beverage Service Event Planning
5 ターム (6 週間) Front Desk Services Sales Fundamentals
30 週間 Work Experience ※Co-op 付のプログラムの場合

・Co-op は基本的に有給で、カフェ、レストラン、ホテル、アパレルなどの接客業が中心です。
・授業時間は14:30 から18:30 まで、キャンパスは ILAC と同様です。

・ケンブリッジオンラインテストでレベル 10 以上、もしくは IELTS 4.5 / TOEFL iBT 50 以上(アカデミック)
※Communication & Service Essentials Diploma with Co-op のみレベル 8 以上、もしくは IELTS 4.0 / TOEFL iBT 40 以上(アカデミック)
・ 高卒以上及び 18 歳以上 (バンクーバー校は英文卒業証明書の提出要、トロント校はテスト合格または査定)
・ インタビュー合格
・ 接客経験あれば尚可

Language Fundamentals for Business This course is intended for those who want to learn English and build the communication skills required for the modern world of business. Topics include the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills needed in a business context. This course explains words and expressions required in business, and focuses on written and spoken grammar, providing authentic language practice to build your confidence to communicate effectively.
English Skills Development This course is designed to develop your core business skills through a task-based, integrated skills approach focusing on reading, listening, and discussion. Case studies will be used to help you learn general business practices and engage you in discussions about business problems where you will recommend solutions through active group work and collaboration.
Canadian Workplace
This course establishes a foundation for the development and practice of the values, attitudes, and skills necessary for entry-level employees, new Canadians, and immigrants to transition into Canadian workplace culture. Students will create resumes, learn interviewing skills, and practice skills essential for effective business communication. Through the exploration of their aptitudes, students will learn how transferable
skills lead to success in their chosen profession.
Customer Service Skills
This course explores the core competencies and best practices that enhance excellent customer service solutions. Students will exceed customer expectations through the understanding of moments of truth, the anticipation of customer needs, and the use of the service recovery process securing a competitive advantage.
Food and Beverage Service This course is designed to prepare students for an entry-level position in one of the most in-demand industries– food and beverage. Topics include the roles and responsibilities of a food and beverage worker, including the purpose of safety in the workplace, Food Safe and Serving it Right or Smart Serve.
Front Desk Services This course prepares students for an entry-level front desk position by providing an overview of the roles and responsibilities of front line representatives in various industries. Topics will include key administrative tasks for hotel front desk, office reception, service providers and beyond.
Sales Fundamentals This course focuses on the transferrable skills applicable for wide range of sales environments and the principles of providing exceptional service. Students will study proven techniques for the phases of the sales cycle including product-selling strategies and solutions, partnership building, and buyer behavior.
Event Planning Through the planning and execution of a small-scale event, students will examine the process of conceptualizing, planning, developing, marketing, and staging events of various types. Students explore practical subjects such as financial planning, project administrative and management tasks, negotiation,
and other roles and responsibilities of Conference and Event Coordinators.
Human Resources
This course will provide learners with the knowledge of how human resources management increases company performance. Students will explore topics of, recruiting and selection, training and retention, employee relations, and health and safety from a management level perspective.
Leadership This course will help students develop the confidence, capacity, and competence to effectively lead in dynamic business environments. Students will learn leadership skills through the analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses and communication strategies required for successful leadership. Topics
include defining leadership in various roles, working in teams, using motivation techniques, and resolving conflict.
Final Project In this course, students are required to complete a project based on the core principles of customer service. This is a chance to apply the skills and knowledge they have accumulated from each course of the program as well as an opportunity to think critically about their experiences in customer service from a Canadian perspective.

Business Programs


Business Programs は、セールスとマーケティングにフォーカスを置いた 10 のコンテンツを学び、 1 年間で専門的なスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめの Sales & Marketing Diploma と、オフィスワーク、経理、マネージメントにフォーカスを置いた 10 のコンテンツを学び専門的なスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめの Business Administration Diploma の 2 つに大きく分類されます。

それぞれのプログラムで Co-op を選択いただくことも可能で、Co-op を加えることで 1 年間学習したことを基に実践力を身に付ける経験を積むことができます。

Sales & Marketing Diploma - 52 週間 (52 週間クラス Co-op なし) / - 92 週間 (52 週間クラス + 40 週間 Co-op 実習)
1 ターム (9 週間) Professional Communication Working Across Cultures
2 ターム (9 週間) Organizational Behaviour Project Management
3 ターム (9 週間) Professional Sales Consumer Behaviour
4 ターム (9 週間) Marketing Foundations Integrated Brand Promotion
5 ターム (4 週間) Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing
40 週間 Work Experience ※Co-op 付のプログラムの場合

Business Administration Diploma - 52 週間 (52 週間クラス Co-op なし) / - 92 週間 (52 週間クラス + 40 週間 Co-op 実習)
1 ターム (9 週間) Professional Communication Working Across Cultures
2 ターム (9 週間) Organizational Behaviour Project Management
3 ターム (9 週間) Business Math Introduction to Business Management
4 ターム (9 週間) Introduction to Accounting Human Resources Management
5 ターム (4 週間) Analytics for Business Decisions Digital Marketing
40 週間 Work Experience ※Co-op 付のプログラムの場合

・Co-op は基本的に有給で、オフィスワークが中心となります。
・授業時間は 17:45 から 21:45 まで、キャンパスは ILAC と同様です。

・ケンブリッジオンラインテストでレベル 12 以上、もしくは IELTS 5.0 / TOEFL iBT 60 以上(アカデミック)
・高卒以上及び 18 歳以上 (バンクーバー校は英文卒業証明書の提出要、トロント校はテスト合格または査定)

Professional Communication The ongoing success of an organization depends on having an environment that encourages effective communication through the gathering and sharing of information. In this course, you will use a variety of skills that we need every day to help us be successful in the workplace. The course is designed to strengthen your knowledge of concepts and skills related to writing effective daily correspondence, preparing formal reports and proposals, and giving effective presentations while using correct language for a business context.
Working Across Cultures
This course is designed to provide you with a practical approach to raising awareness, gaining knowledge, and increasing your ability to communicate and behave effectively across cultures. It will help you understand and analyze business situations where culture may be playing a part, and prepare you to overcome challenges that may arise in a multicultural workplace. This course aims to help you understand the impact of your communication skills on relationships, and academic and career success. You will develop skills and techniques for recognizing cultural differences and turning them into opportunity.
Organizational Behaviour Current perspectives on what makes an organization successful, regardless of industry, point toward the benefits gained by putting people first. This course will expose you to approaches and processes that can help in effectively leading and managing others in organizations. You will have the opportunity to appreciate what it takes to make a difference in your workplace, and gain an understanding of the interactions that occur among people in the workplace. You will examine the behaviour of individuals and how they interact with each other in different workplace organizations. Topics include individual and behavioural processes, interpersonal processes and behaviours, team processes, and organizational dynamics and processes.
Project Management Project management skills are increasingly sought after in today’s workplace. No matter what industry or career you pursue, the ability to coordinate timelines, manage resources, and lead projects to successful completion is extremely valuable. This course provides you with practical experience applying the fundamentals of project management from a marketing frame of reference. At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to create a project life cycle, statement of work, work breakdown structure, schedule, budget, and risk management plan. You will work in groups to develop a plan for a real marketing project.
Professional Sales You will develop the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to be successful in today’s sales environment. Professional selling requires shifting the focus away from the sale and focusing entirely on the customer with a value-based approach. Through this course, you will use customer-centric professional selling techniques. An emphasis is given to developing practical skills in presenting goods and services to prospective buyers using the art of persuasion. Upon completion of this course, you will understand the value and importance of the sales profession to the Canadian economy.
Consumer Behaviour Today, customers are far more educated and sophisticated, with access to more information than ever before. This course introduces you to the field of consumer behavior and how it applies to sales and marketing. Through the analysis of internal and external influences acting within or imposed on the consumer in relation to product consumption, you will learn how marketers and sales people attempt to influence consumer behavior. To better understand your target market as consumers, needs and motivation, risk perception, group dynamics, attitudes, and the consumer decision-making process are explored.
Marketing Foundations This course will help you understand the fundamentals of the marketing process. You will be introduced to how marketers create customer-driven marketing strategies based on their research and understanding on the marketing environment and customers. In this course, you will contribute to the development of a marketing plan including marketing objectives, marketing mix, marketing strategies, budgetary concerns, and evaluation criteria. In addition, you will explore topics such as strategic planning for competitive advantage, segmenting, targeting, and positioning, and customer relationship management.
Integrated Brand Promotion The goal of this course is for you to gain an understanding of the core building blocks of integrated marketing communications principles and practices. You will learn how to effectively plan campaigns using various marketing and communications strategies that will maximize the impact of your market reach while enhancing your customer and media relations. You will examine first-hand the creative, and the production considerations that various media channels present, as well as gain exposure to the role of advertising, personal selling, and sales promotion in an integrated marketing plan.
Digital Marketing The Internet is a dynamic marketplace. This class will give you the understanding of the Internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also equipping you with the skills you will need to perform vital daily functions. By the end of this course, you will have a richer understanding of the foundations of the new digital marketing landscape and acquire a new set of stories, concepts, and tools to help you digitally create, distribute, promote and price products and services. Topics covered in this course include internet marketing foundations, how search engines work, SEO, paid search marketing, online advertising, landing page optimization, analytics, online PR and ORM, and mobile marketing.
Social Media Marketing This course is designed to help you understand how marketing has (and has not) changed due to the rise of social media and changes in various underlying contextual factors, such as dramatically increased speed of information dissemination across consumers and brands. This course will equip you with the relevant knowledge, perspectives, and practical skills required to develop marketing strategies that influence the opportunities essential in social media and consumer-to-consumer social interactions for achieving business and marketing goals. The emphasis of this course is on understanding consumers’ social interactions, examining the various social media channels available to marketers, learning how to build social marketing strategies, and practicing how to track their effectiveness.
Business Math This course provides foundational math concepts to students looking to succeed in business environments. It is designed to help you determine best courses of action when considering management, finance and investment options. In the early part of the course, you will cover basic topics including arithmetic, algebra, and linear systems, applying them to real world situations. You will then explore a variety of mathematical management topics such as cost-volume-profit analysis, discounts, markup and markdown, and simple interest. Finally, you will make financial and investment decisions with considerations for compound interest, annuities, mortgages, and bond valuations. To demonstrate competency in all of these areas, you will formulate equations for word problems describing common workplace situations.
Introduction to Accounting This course is for students with little or no background in accounting and finance. It is designed to help you build your knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles and the accounting cycle. You will be introduced to the purpose of accounting and the financial statement preparation process and how financial management and accounting information can be used to support financial analysis, valuation, and decision-making in various contexts.
Introduction to Business Management This course provides a broad overview of the management process, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling, and looks at management roles in teams, projects, departments, and the organization as a whole. You will examine management skills within the context of a Canadian business environment. This course creates opportunities for you to develop your critical thinking, problem-solving, team work, and communication skills by analyzing and presenting solutions to typical business problems.
Human Resources Management The purpose of this course is to provide you with an understanding of the human resources function, and the role that managers play to ensure organizational effectiveness. This course will examine how human resource systems enable improvement in processes and enhance strategic decision making. You will also critically examine how effective human resources management (HRM) assists in achieving organizational goals.
Analytics for Business Decisions The field of Business Analytics is growing in every industry. This course provides an introduction to modern theory, tools, and techniques used when making business decisions. You will develop the skills needed to be successful in a business analytics role using methodologies to develop a strategic advantage. You will be able to analyze, present findings, and make meaningful conclusions about data in a business setting and offer valuable insights by recognizing, interpreting, and summarizing your company’s data.

1 専門知識を持つ講師陣 ホスピタリティやビジネスの経験をもった講師陣が教えるのはもちろん、カナダで超有名企業で活躍するホスピタリティのスペシャリストを招いての講演で、現場のナマの声、成功の秘訣などを聞くことができる。
2 カナダのビジネスカルチャーを学ぶ サービス業が盛んな都市、トロント、バンクーバー。経済が急成長しているカナダのビジネスでは働くチャンスがあります!ただし、そのチャンスを掴むにはカナダでのビジネスカルチャーを理解したり、働けるだけの英語力、知識が必要となります。このプログラムでは、カナダのビジネスカルチャーを学ぶとともに、カスタマーサービスで必要なスキルを身につけることができます。
3 学生ビザで働ける このプログラムでは、学校でコースを受講している間に週 20 時間働くことが可能なオフキャンパスワークパーミットが発行されます。平日は学校でしっかり勉強し、週末はアルバイトをしてお小遣いを稼ぐということも可能です。
4 ワーホリ後も働くチャンスがある カナダでのワーキングホリデーは 1 年という限られた時間のみ。意外と短かった思う方がほとんどで、1 年後もチャンスがあれば働きたいと思う人も多いです。このプログラムでは、実践的なホスピタリティを学び、またそのスキルを活かし、カナダで就業体験を積むことができるので、カナダのワーホリを使ってしまった人にもカナダで就業できるチャンスがあります。

弊社トロントオフィスにて Co-op プログラムのセミナーを定期開催しています

School of Health Care - 医療事務プログラム
Service Excellence Programs
ILAC International College の School of Health Care は医療事務について 9 つの項目を学ぶプログラムです。有給インターンシップ付きのプログラムもあり、約 1 年間しっかりと学習をされたあとに英語圏の長期有給インターンシップとして就労経験を積みたい方におすすめです。

Health Care Administration Dipoloma - 52 週間 (52 週間クラス Co-op なし) / - 92 週間 (52 週間クラス + 40 週間 Co-op 実習)
1 ターム (8 週間) Health Care Communication Working Across Cultures
2 ターム (8 週間) Health Care Administration Hospital Administration & Infection Control
3 ターム (8 週間) Medical Terminology Anatomy & Physiology 21st Century Customer Service for Health Care
4 ターム (8 週間) Intro to Medical Delivery Systems Digital Marketing for Health Care
5 ターム (8 週間) Health Care Administration Simulation
40 週間 Work Experience ※Co-op 付のプログラムの場合
※ 各ターム終了後に1-2週間の休暇あり

Health Care Communication This course helps students combine correct grammar with medical language as they prepare professional reports and documentation. Focusing on basic grammar, the course equips entry-level health care students with the guidelines and practical knowledge they will need in real-world practice. Then, building on that foundation, students will study more advanced grammar and the thinking process involved in writing day-to-day and work-related documents.
Working Across Cultures
This introductory course presents complete coverage of the basic skills needed to perform effectively as a health office administrative assistant in today’s fast-changing work environment. This course explores the concept, roles, and responsibilities of the health professional. It provides an overview of the characteristics, practices, and skills that combine to contribute to the student’s success and professional development in health administration. Students will learn how health affects individuals in a multicultural society as they interface with the Canadian health-care system. Topics covered in this course include ethical decision making, health and safety, quality assurance, diagnostic procedures, and scheduling.
Health Care Administration This introductory course presents complete coverage of the basic skills needed to perform effectively as a health office administrative assistant in today’s fast-changing work environment. This course explores the concept, roles, and responsibilities of the health professional. It provides an overview of the characteristics, practices, and skills that combine to contribute to the student’s success and professional development in health administration. Students will learn how health affects individuals in a multicultural society as they interface with the Canadian health-care system. Topics covered in this course include ethical decision making, health and safety, quality assurance, diagnostic procedures, and scheduling.
Hospital Administration & Infection Control Health care facilities across Canada offer different types and levels of care, from long-term care to acute-care hospitals. A hospital is a health care facility that is licensed by the province or territory to provide a range of health care services on both inpatient and outpatient bases. In this course, students will learn about processing orders for laboratory and diagnostic tests, and nursing assessments and interventions. This course covers the process of interpreting, recording, and generating the administrative steps required for doctors’ orders of various types to be implemented. Students will also follow best practices for environmental cleaning for prevention and control of infections and sterilization.
Medical Terminology Anatomy & Physiology This course simplifies the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the important word parts—common prefixes, suffixes and root words—that provide a foundation for learning medical terms. The course provides an overview of the body system’s structure and functions, a summary of applicable medical specialties, and then pathology, diagnostic, and treatment procedures. It is designed to engage learners with a variety of formats, real-life medical scenarios, and critical thinking exercises.
21st Century Customer Service for Health Care Research confirms that it is six times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. Creating a culture of service excellence requires planning, preparation, and persistence. This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental information and skills to start or strengthen a customer service initiative within a health care organization. It offers a practical, step-by-step process for creating a culture shift toward customer service excellence at all levels of an organization, and presents the essentials to improving performance that will bring the individuals closer to the mission, values, and standards.
Intro to Medical Delivery Systems This course provides an overview of the Canadian health care delivery system from various perspectives. Students are given the change to examine the characteristics of the health care system and explain the key issues that impact the system in Canada. This course explores a basic approach to health, wellness, and illness set entirely within a Canadian context. This course includes coverage of individual and population health, the role of federal agencies and provincial governments, health care funding, current issues and future trends in health care, mental health care, Indigenous Peoples, palliative and end-of-life care (including MAID), and the legalization of marijuana.
Digital Marketing for Health Care This course will provide students with a foundational knowledge of the principles of marketing and their particular application in health care. This course gives students the understanding of the Internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also equipping them with the skills they will need to perform vital daily functions. By the end of this course, students will have a richer understanding of the foundations of the new digital marketing landscape and acquire a new set of stories, concepts, and tools to help digitally create, distribute, promote and price products and services. Topics covered in this course include internet marketing foundations, how search engines work, SEO, paid search marketing, online advertising, landing page optimization, analytics, online PR and ORM, and mobile marketing.
Health Care Administration Simulation Develop front-office job skills and critical thinking through real-life scenarios. This course will provide students with introductory information about different components of Practice Management and Electronic Medical Record software. Through simulations, students are guided and supported through each step of using PM/EMR software for various tasks. The simulations mimic a real-world experience through the use of realistic PM/EMR software, transcripts and audio recordings of patient phone calls and interviews, and other real-world documents such as Registration Forms, Online Eligibility Reports, Remittance Advice, and more. In each simulation, students are presented with a scenario and then proceed through steps to complete a task related to the scenario in the PM/EMR software.

Teacher Training - TESOL Program 

ILAC International College の TESOL プログラムは 4 週間の集中プログラム。将来カナダで英語教師を目指すカナディアン向けの TESOL プログラムですが、留学生も受講する事ができます。

受講のためには、ILAC のレベル14、High-Advanced 1 を修了、または iBT TOEFL 80 点、IELTS 6.5 以上を取得し、さらに面接試験に合格する事が必要です。

このプログラムは、100 時間の講義と 20 時間の実習で構成されており、カナダの公式英語講師認定資格である TESL Canada の認定プログラムで、第 2 言語としての英語を教えるためのスキルと知識を学ぶ事ができます。

  授業期間 教育実習 提出書類 TESL Canada
TESOL Certificate 4 週間 (100 時間) 授業見学 6 時間 大学の卒業証明書 Certificate
TESOL Diploma 4 週間 (100 時間) 教育実習 20 時間 大学の卒業証明書
英語スコア (IELTS 7.0 以上)


Student Support Service


・ILAC で提供しているプログラムの案内
・ILAC の規定やルールの案内
・ILAC のバケーションシステムの案内





学生がベストな学習環境で最高の経験を積めるよう、アカデミック部署を率いてマネージメントしています。アカデミック部署ディレクターは、アカデミック部署のみならず関連する ILAC すべての部署と連携して生徒のサポートに尽力しています。




E.K. さん - ILAC International College


このコースで一番好きなのは、先生やスタッフとの距離の近さ、少人数でクラスメイトが変わらないので、じっくり仲良くなれます。ILAC 語学学校とは区別した運営形態なので、学校全体のアクティビティに参加している人は少ないですが、クラスで飲み会や BBQ パーティなどをよくみんなが自発的に企画しているので、学校以外の生活も充実しています。

ILAC は正直、先生の質に少しばらつきがあるように思いました。これまで何度か先生がかわり、今は今までの人生で最高とも言える二人の先生が担当してくれているので、ラッキーだと思っています。このプログラムでは、プレゼンテーション(即興や準備期間ありのものも含めて)が山ほどあるので、もう苦手と言っていられない状況で、人の前で発表することが苦にならなくなってきました。これは今後もいろんな場面で役に立つスキルだと思うので感謝してます。

Blake 先生; 生徒の目線に立って常に授業をしてくれます。英語を母国語としない私達にとって何が大切かを常に考えて、そのために必要な準備などは欠かさすに、惜しみなく私達に尽くしてくれる先生です。授業の質はもちろん高いですが、先生の思いやりがとても伝わってきて、みんなが大好きな先生です。
Ian 先生:この先生も生徒目線で考えて、役に立つと思う情報は惜しみなく提供してくれます。教科書に沿いつつ、そう思わせない授業がとてもおもしろいです。チャレンジな授業なので、いつも緊張しますが、とても楽しいです。

































Vancouver Campus

Toronto Campus

※Date Modified 2018/03/02


ILAC International College についてのご相談はお気軽にBRAND NEW WAYまでお問い合わせください。



クラスは毎週月曜から金曜までの、14:3 分から 19 時 30 分までとなります。